Terms of Membership
Tees Valley Learning Providers Network Limited (TVLPN) is a non-profit membership organisation with charitable status
The Terms of Reference of TVLPN:
- To represent TVLPN members to local Stakeholders, Regional groups, National Forums, employment services, schools including
- To be the first point of contact
- To lobby and influence decisions at a local and national level.
- To promote and share best practise in the interests of the TVLPN members.
- To direct changes and improvements through working groups.
- To market work-based learning and member’s offer
- To participate in joint initiatives to benefit learners and members
- To organise and offer funded or reduced rate training to members
Duration of Membership
The minimum membership period is 12 months, should a member decide to terminate membership within this period they remain liable for the full annual fee. No refunds can be given and membership is non-transferable.
Payment Terms
Annual membership fee (August – July £400). All invoices are to be paid within 28 days.
Termination of Membership
Members must give at least one month’s written notice if they wish to cancel their membership. TVLPN reserves the right to terminate the Membership of any Member where it is reasonably considered that continued membership is not in the interest of the TVLPN or its Members. If this situation arose the ex-Member will immediately forfeit all rights to access the TVLPN services and benefits. Any advice sought following termination of membership will be charged accordingly.
How the TVLPN is managed
The TVLPN is managed from a Steering group, made up of 8-10 elected members of the Network member organisation representatives.
The aims of the terms of membership:
- Ensure providers are aware of the services available.
- Ensure the level of service from the TVLPN is met.
- Ensure members are fully aware of their rights and responsibilities as TVLPN members.
- Ensure that members are fully aware of all activities undertaken by the TVLPN and members including sharing best practise and partnership working.
TVLPN will:
- Act as key point of contact for each member.
- Represent members to local Stakeholders, Employers, and Schools etc.
- Support all members with guidance, advice and support.
- Provide members with up-to -date information from Stakeholders, relevant organisations and Network activities.
- Ensure training needs are responded to (if appropriate).
- Provide, organise and facilitate a range of demand led training.
- Research funding opportunities and offer members the opportunity to participate in delivery plans to sustain the Network.
- TVLPN to generate income to sustain the Network through commercial work e.g. schools and other agencies.
- Organise 6 full Network meetings per annum.
- Organise 2 Steering group meetings per annum.
- Design and produce collaborative marketing materials on behalf of all members.
- Represent members at a range of events.
- Promote Work based learning to a broad spectrum of clients on behalf of all our members.
- Represent members on a variety of groups / boards across Tees Valley.
- Organise and where appropriate, lead a variety of support groups for members supporting staff development and achieving quality of delivery.
- Display member’s details on website with a link to their organisation site.
- Provide excellent customer service in a friendly, efficient and professional manor.
The Member will:
- Provide TVLPN with a key contact for provider meetings and school activities.
- Provide TVLPN with up-to-date information on contact detail changes.
- Provide TVLPN with up-to-date information on changes to provision.
- Provide TVLPN with a current logo and profile outline of their organisation (one paragraph).
- Provide TVLPN with case studies as needed.
- Promote TVLPN and collaborative marketing initiatives to increase the profile of Work Based Learning and the TVLPN.
- When representing the TVLPN in collective marketing initiatives they will represent the TVLPN and not their own organisation.
- Provide evidence of Matrix accreditation if involved in WRL activities within schools.
- Respond to all reasonable requests for information by TVLPN by response deadline even if a nil return.
- Participate in the annual Tees Valley Provider Survey.
- Ensure a key representative attends the full Network meetings throughout the year.
- Ensure a key representative attends the Annual General Meeting.
- Represent providers at a range of forums and feedback to the TVLPN.
- Ensure no activities undertaken will lead to the erosion of the TVLPN reputation and credibility.
- Agree to training terms and conditions (if applicable).
- Agree to terms of membership.